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I've been wondering, given that you've made all of the building blocks, why hasn't Mapbox built and released an open source maps app for Android? It looks like you're just weekend's work away from having an open source app which is competetive with Google Maps on F-Droid.

Mapbox has been pretty strategic about not being perceived to compete with it's developers. Besides creating an amazing stack remaining neutral I think is part of their appeal.

OsmAnd already exists, and it had a metric ton of development time put into it.

I presumed they open sourced it already since the "Maps" app in the fdroid store is the same app just minus some ads or something

The "Maps" app in fdroid[1] is actually a recompilation of Maps.me[2], which is from another company, not Mapbox.

[1] https://f-droid.org/en/packages/com.github.axet.maps/ [2] https://maps.me/

I second this, and very interested in doing it myself!

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