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He conceded that "if you want to have a commercially viable website, in most cases you need Flash,"


Anyway, it's true that Flash is "The Next Frontier." Remember when you couldn't bank online from Linux? Those days are mostly over, but now it's "I can't use Scribd from Linux."

What someone should do is make javascript + svg as easy to develop in as Flash. I assume that means some shiny IDE, but I've never used Flash so I'm not sure. Basically, make it easy for people to do things portably, and they might try. (Then again, some people don't really like learning, so they'll use Flash forever.)

Oh, as always... some great comments on the site:

Quit trying to paint proprietary software as some dark evil and open source and open standards and open everytyhing as the only true way of the "good people".

It was a closed network in teh beginning and only those that want to make their code, site, whatever open should do so. Those that do not, have no obligation. Proprietary software has created a huge amount of business for the world at large and has been nothing but beneficial by and large.

Socialism is nice, if you don't mind suffering through crushing government control.

So in the same light as things like this: Proprietary software is patriotic and good and keeps the government out of our lives, where it belongs. Less government control and a free society is GOOD..GOOD..GOOD.

Open software relies too heavily on the government and government control and living under the government's thumb. It's is socialist software. Socialism is BAD. BAD BAD...

Stuff like this makes me want to cry.

Gaah. I'd really like to know how this guy came to the conclusion that FOSS relies on the government. WTF?

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