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Thanks for this.

We're still in early discussions. No it wouldn't be preferred stock, just ordinary. They seem to be proposing that a shareholders agreement will contract for my stake to be protected, but, as you know, a VC will restructure all the shareholders if it wants to, so that doesn't work.

My calculations are based around a sale value of around £50million to £90million in about 5 years which at 2% would make my stake worth £1million in 5 years time (if £50mill sale price) but that assumes I don't get diluted below 2% etc and that is why I think it is a too low % stake for me to accept since it would only give me double the salary I could otherwise earn over the same period.

Okay, then it's easy ...don't take the job!

I don't think you can make that assumption unless you have preferred stock.

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