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The vast majority of regular users I've seen go back and forth between search and search results. Heck, I do it from time to time. Most users are extremely "inefficient" by geek standards.

Interesting. Thanks for that. Sometimes we can get so caught up in our own tech-bubble that we don't really notice the usage patterns of the average user. So it's often nice to have a reminder like this.

> Most users are extremely "inefficient" by geek standards.

How is that inefficient? I use both interchangeably and I don't see how it's any less efficient than opening a new tab and then having to close it if it's not what you want, or having to close useless tabs if the first one is all you need... On my Macbook, I just swipe right and I'm back at the search results.

For a lot of things it helps to compare things in parallel. With this technique you only see 1 result at a time.

You assume you're back at the search results. As OP proved that's not necessarily the case.

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