Have you documented any of this or written on your home automation endeavors? I'm looking to "Tony Stark" my house up a bit (i.e. voice control, some touch enabled panes in the kitchen/office) but want a bit more control than something purpose built, off-the-shelf while also being a bit more insulated than Alexa or Echo. The NUC has been on my radar as a device that I may go with as the brains of the operation, and I'm just curious to read what design and implementation patterns others have taken.
I get asked to do more of a "write-up" a lot, but it's hard to figure out how to format or frame it. I have a fairly large pile of opinions about how one should go about doing this, but it's hard to concisely organize my thoughts on it into a coherent write-up.
The code is here: https://github.com/ocdtrekkie/HAController but I don't know if I'd really recommend others use it. The main perk to me is that it's designed around what I want and use (I tried a lot of alternative options before rolling my own), so unless you also really like Visual Basic code and have a brain ordered bizarrely similarly to mine, you may want to start somewhere else.
I'd love to chat about what I've learned along the way or what ideas you have (because I might borrow them!), if you want to chat elsewhere hit me up at inbox (at) jacobweisz (dot) com