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The rare woman tech start-up founder (16thletter.com)
10 points by webwatch on May 1, 2008 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

Another benefit of being a woman in tech? People always underestimate me. This, in my opinion, is one of the best things about being a woman in business. Nothing is more fun than watching someone change their opinion about you right in front of your eyes. This happens to me all the time.

I think you have brought up an important point. More bloggers need to address this issue. People keep discussing about balance in startup, startup life, aspects of startup (tech, pr, marketing) etc.. Though people fail to think about the issue of having a balance in the industry. Women obviously an important part of the startup ecosystem. I fail to believe that in this are we have come to a saturation point. I think women need to take initiative and and make the leap. I would personally like to see more women founders. The reason I am passionate about this topic is because of my girlfriend. In the past few years she has been really passionate about the tech scene and doing a startup. She currently works for Fotoflexer.com and loves it.

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