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>You'd think porn companies would charge with sensible names?

If they're doing legal business, why should they?

For the same reason porn magazine aren't delivered in see-through plastic like other magazines and instead are delivered in white envelopes.

I don't know where you live, but porn magazines are in see-through plastic, just like other magazines. They're just on the top shelf, that's all.

Not when you subscribe to them and they arrive in your mailbox!

I think margins are going down and there are plenty of stories of women being completely stuck in a world they don't want to be in, some of them actually struggling with mental issues. Sure, some probably like it but I can understand that companies prefer not to be associated with a world that seemingly contains a lot of misery. There are plenty of documentaries about the industry, they don't paint a rosy picture.

> I can understand that companies prefer not to be associated with a world that seemingly contains a lot of misery.

They're already in the pharma and health business.

I understand the down voting and I also understand your response. But wouldn't it be nice if there were fair-trade porn sites? Where we know people are treated an paid well? It's insane that there is so much for free while there is so much work involved.

I completely agree, I recall running into a couple here and there but the only one I know from memory that attempts that is kink.com (or so they say).

Fair enough, but porn companies billing under another name wouldn't change any of that.

Uh, for business reasons?

That is, to simplify the process of doing business.

(I don't understand what other meaning you'd get from the other post)

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