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This does happen now in car culture where people will tune it “chip[1]” their car to increase performance. In practice, it’s difficult enough (you can’t just do it through the car’s infotainment system) that your average driver won’t do it and it’s probably not to big of an empact on the environment[2] and people’s health[3].

[1]”Chipping” used to enclose physically replacing a car’s ECU but now it usually just means the control software has been chnaged digitally. [2]Unfortunately, some awful people will and do “roll coal” to purposefully increase emissions and smoke. It’s illegal in many places but difficult to enforce.

[3]Your car still has to pass emissions and sometimes people do bring the ECU back to stock firmware before annual inspections just to pass. Difficult to enforce but tuning usually sacrifices fuel economy for performance and its not simple to do. Most people who just want a grocery-getter won’t be trying it.

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