Ahhhhhhhhhhh - I will be DVd to death for this but:
I have a screen (it happens to be about 18" wide in this case). Why on earth is the text in a stupidly thin column in a small font? It looks like TeX's daemonic alter thingie got into the render process somewhere or perhaps someone forgot the other two columns or wanted to torture a webby reader with multiple columns (mmmm ArXiv scrolly uppy n downy pdf) and lost interest.
Anyway ... it looks crap in my browser unless I hit CTRL(num)+ a few times - 200% works.
That is done on purpose. Ideally, one's eye's horizontal angle span will be less than 30 degrees when one is reading something. WPM drops if the eyes or neck have to do too back-and-forth work.
The brain doesn't require the eyes to hit every single word to extract the full text thanks to peripheral vision, but this optimization is not as effective when the width of the text-line is too large.
I am surprised you didn't mention the FOUC, though. For a while you see raw, minified, un-styled text on this page.
Would you mind sharing a screenshot somewhere? I'm just using Markdeep's default CSS and the font size seems reasonable on all my screen. I'd be happy to try and tweak it though.
I did actually chuckle when I read your comment but what is wrong with using the usual tools at your disposal? All I did was slap a couple of piccies on the end of a WebDAV share.
Nothing, other than the format and experience of downloading a document to be opened with a desktop application.
There's a lot of one click image sharing services out there. I use Windows key+shift+S to take a screenshot and then go to imgur.com which supports reading images from the clipboard, bam, instant URL for my pic.
Thank you! This is exactly the same render that I get. I could try and widen the column. I've grown to like the narrower width when reading graphics papers like this but I understand it's not for everybody.
The text seems perfectly sized for reading on my screen. At 200% it looks like one of those clownish Bootstrap homepages and I'd have to scroll every 5 seconds to read it.
I have a screen (it happens to be about 18" wide in this case). Why on earth is the text in a stupidly thin column in a small font? It looks like TeX's daemonic alter thingie got into the render process somewhere or perhaps someone forgot the other two columns or wanted to torture a webby reader with multiple columns (mmmm ArXiv scrolly uppy n downy pdf) and lost interest.
Anyway ... it looks crap in my browser unless I hit CTRL(num)+ a few times - 200% works.