Here's a photo just after they did that while repairing a break near my house a few months ago:
The obviously missing third top line is the one that broke. It simply snapped around the middle of the span between that pole and the pole that is outside the photo on the right. They went up in the cherry picker, cut the dangling line, and then put on those clamps.
I've seen lineworkers use orange covers many times, when working near live wires.
The place where they put these orange sheets in your photo looks like a disconnect switch between the wires on either side of the pole. So the wires coming from the left side of your photo are still live, and the disconnect switch itself is still live. Since they would be working near the disconnect switch (to hang the new wire), they put these insulating orange covers for extra protection.
The obviously missing third top line is the one that broke. It simply snapped around the middle of the span between that pole and the pole that is outside the photo on the right. They went up in the cherry picker, cut the dangling line, and then put on those clamps.
They then covered the lower arms of the pole with orange sheets:
Does anyone happen to know what the orange sheets are for? They did not use them anywhere else where they grounded the wires.