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Hacker News Facebook Group (facebook.com)
151 points by jasonlbaptiste on Oct 6, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 76 comments

#startups irc.freenode.net

This should be posted as a separate article. I've browsed HN for some time without knowing about this IRC channel.

I should add it to the FAQ too.

Anyone else love the freenode. I am always finding great channels on freenode!

Just a couple of quick tips and things to point out after spending a few minutes chatting with everyone in the group.

At this time you either can't (or it's not apparent how to) opt out of chat for a given group. You have to sign out of chat all-together.

You can opt out of email notifcations by clicking the "Edit Notifcations" on the top right of the Group window.

If you comment on a post, you're automatically subscribed to that post and begin recieving notifcations when others comment. You can also opt out of these on a per-post basis by clicking the "unsubscribe" link under the title of each post.

Hope that helps alleviate some of the noise so the group stays useful to everyone.

"You can also opt out of these on a per-post basis by clicking the "unsubscribe" link under the title of each post."


Here's to hoping they will implement that outside of groups too...great feature.

If you do not turn off the notifications, your inbox will look like mine: http://i.imgur.com/RKQ9y.png

I was away from my computer for the past couple hours and came back to 154+ emails. Time to "Edit Notifications"...

YES! Holy farking email spam! I just got back from a lunch meetup. Someone else had added me and I had hundreds of emails.

In a related note, Facebook needs to let you edit notifications via the mobile interface. I looked, and couldn't figure it out. I actually ended up pulling out my Mifi at the end of the meetup and logging on to Facebook with my laptop just so I could opt out. Wow.

Yeah, I was really happy I had "Skip Inbox" enabled for my Facebook alerts filter.

Is there something else I need to do to stop getting email notifications other than unchecking "Email notifications to: my@email" and clicking Save?

I continue to get several emails about new replies to posts I've commented on.

Am I the only person who would rather this was a private group? (so non-members can't see posts). Even if Jason just approved every join request I think this would be better.

Example: your employer doesn't need to know that you are talking to an interesting startup.

Although it's easier said than done, IMO your employer/coworkers really shouldn't be friends with you on Facebook. That's what LinkedIn is for. I know you can't control their friend requests and it would be odd to ignore them. Thankfully people are starting to figure this out in my experience; at my current job none of my coworkers (other than actual friends) have sent me friend requests on Facebook.

With that said, the same reasoning also makes me question the value of a HN Facebook group.

Thanks. You've successfully talked me out of this, for today anyway.

People often ask how other social networks will ever compete with Facebook. To me that's like asking how your house's living room will ever compete with the theater at your local high school.

Do you mind if I quote that line about the living room and the theater (with or without attribution, as you wish) elsewhere in cyberspace?

You may take it wherever it wants to go. And, though I'd potentially be entertained if you attributed it, that is not required.

Right on. I have a "no coworkers, no family members" rule for my facebook profile. I hope this becomes the new normal, to avoid any future embarrassment.

I have an "all coworkers, all family members" rule. Embarrassment is based on social norms. Openness has the potential to change social norms in a positive way, and since I have little to lose due to the fairly laid-back nature of programming in general and my few concerns when it comes to offending family, I'm happy to take the little risk there is in putting most things out there.

>your employer/coworkers really shouldn't be friends with you on Facebook

That's bad UI design and missed opportunity on Facebook's part then, they should fix that "bug".

When I login to facebook the first thing I should see is "Friends, Family, Other [, Manually_Created_Group_X]" and then be immediately able to choose between the set of actions [News Feed, Privacy] for each.

Facebook helps improve our contact book of people tool in size and currentness, but is a step backwards in organization.

I agree completely. None of my coworkers are friends. But they can see all the content I've posted to this Hacker News Facebook group anyway. It is public.

How would they know to look there?

I am reluctant to join because I'm in one group with around 40 people and it makes my whole Facebook experience a bacon+toast hell, especially with the group chat - can anyone figure out how to opt out of chat for a group without going offline of chat altogether?

Apparently chat turns off after 250 members.

bacon+toast hell?



I first learned the names for these familiar social app behaviors from Adam Rifkin's "Pandas and Lobsters" essay:


What will happen in this group? How will it be useful? (Not meant in a snarky way, I am curious.)

Think of these new groups as listservs. A way to stay in touch with your group or team.

Listservs + Yammer actually with the group chat feature.

As I wrote on the wall, I think it might work better for things local (connecting with HN'ers in your area). But I am also thinking that this could actually be a place where I might go to ask for quick advice, stuff that's too small to make a post in here about.

Won't use. My reason might sound silly though - I like that Hacker News looks different from a facebook feed page. Its sickening to have everything look the same. I think that prevents you from wearing different hats at different times, which could water down engagement quality.

FB should at least let you select a different profile picture for every group you're part of :P

This is a shitshow.

== Initial benefits

- Instant collaboration. (No more HN Office Hours and the like.)

- Live group updates (wall posts, news, (even chat, ha!))

== Initial problems

- No way to connect HN handle/karma to FB

- No social moderation

- Bottleneck administration (No matter how much of a rockstar Jason is.)

- Group chat doesn't support large group conversations well. (approx 6 lines of chat displayed at a time)

Anyone else?

I beg any facebook employees that read this to please implement a Confirm All button. I've pressed confirm over 1,800 times today. It's like being on LOST.

Thanks Jason. I'll forward your suggestion to the groups PM.

Disclamer: this might be by design. The proudct was intended for small groups of people that actually know each other (families, soccer clubs, close friends, etc).

Any software designer who thinks the product will be used as designed must be a newbie. :-)

This is an interesting way to see how groups scale with lots of people. Chat box is cramped.

this will probably hit 1,000 members in the next couple of hours. If you all find it useful, I'll take the time to keep it alive/engaging.

This could actually be a really interesting experiment. I have to still approve though it's open :( :( and the amount of requests is insane. It's like a video game clicking the accept button in real time.

I think it's a great idea. I feel like it allows the community to connect on a more personal level.

maybe ask every person to post their names here as well to verify? tiring task though, so maybe not.

It's not like HN is restricted. Who would want in other than HNers?

Where's the Sikuli script? :)

I think it is a good idea but I will wait for the storm to settle.

This might be an overkill but how about geo-specific HN groups aside from the general one?

Bay Area Hacker News, San Diego Hacker News, etc.

I'd hate to miss the opportunity to meet/chat with someone brilliant because of geo-fragmentation.

There's been a UK hacker news group on fb for a while.

Nice idea!

Here's one I set up for the Bay Area: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_157421747614365

The signal to noise ratio is a bit low...

Honestly, I only joined to get a "Hacker News" tag on Facebook. Is that how Facebook works? Meaning can other people now see that I am on Hacker News (or rather, a member of the group)?

Also, maybe someone wants to send freelance work my way and contact me via Facebook :-)

There is also a sub-group for HNers who are also students: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_152776264761584...

Interesting dynamic. I thought about creating a LinkedIn group, but I guess this might have a bit more of a personal touch. On the other hand, a LinkedIn group could possibly have been better for recruiting.

There have been 3-4 linkedin groups, they never go anywhere ;)

This will be interesting if it can be tied in with Facebook Connect -- taking over the live website chat space. It's really annoying to always have a new message in chat, though.

Tip: don't comment on any of the posts, unless you want to endure tens and tens of notifications (esp. if you have Desktop Notifications installed).

I thought facebook groups died years ago? This sort of brings us back to the original purpose of facebook. Collaboration and networking!

Nice to put a face to peoples HN handles

Nice. Will be curious too see what secondary benefits this adds to HN and FaceBook...

Depending on how this goes, this might actually make me use my Facebook account.

Well, this is a hell of a new way to stress test "social design" for scale.

"Your chat message wasn't sent because Hacker News is offline." nice

You should make it open. (or approve my request to join :)

It is open, but I still need to approve :(

haha sorry jason... i just joined too!

Ahh. Weird.

Nice, joining this turned on the new Facebook for me. :)

the gender ratio is really astonishing. there are probably 400 comments on the main page and i am not sure i have seen any women there.

Holy crap this could be a time sink!

Proceeding with caution :)

shall i make a hacker news fan page?

This is actually insanity.

Most of you are on FB and you are here as well. So why create another space to converse? Is it because FB has a potential to do it better than anyone else? I'd say yes and no. Yes because it has largest user base. No because they are testing features and there are many other services which has done lot better in organizing, facilitating group conversations.

Either case, the HN group and many other such popular groups showing up at FB, only tells one thing: it is going to be a huge hit. How it gets adopted later, like how Twitter Lists did, only time will tell.

HN also affords, for some, a degree of anonymity absent from Facebook.

To answer your question about why creating another space to converse. I think it is primarily going to be for more informal discussions that would be considered to 'spammy' if posted on here. Perhaps you just want to see who is hiring in your area (without waiting for that monthly thread) or you want feedback on your site but for whatever reason only want a few people that you could talk to more in depth about their experience.

The conversations taking place there just screams BROKEN. "What's your Twitter username?" - "What's your LinkedIN username?"

It seems that there is a clear problem here (HNers want to network with eachother) -- but the solution of a FB group ain't it.

Would it be adopted by 'regular users'? I'm having a hard time picturing some of my friends, which isn't used to the idea of Internet Groups, join up or create groups.

I've been a member of 8 groups since it was first introduced, way back. And I don't check them anymore.

I have a feeling most people join groups in spur-of-the-moment, only to be active for a day or two – the just leave it sitting.

Considering how comments are managed, i'd say that fb is not the best place for conversations. But it's undeniable that it will be a good tool for announcements/etc... , allowing to reach a big share of the HN audience quite easily. Not a member yet, could reconsider it in the future.

Insanity to combine the two! I like to actually know the people in my facebook stream, tyvm.

you should cede group admin rights to pg

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