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This looks great! I was looking for something similar to Dr Racket but for python. I am going to use this in a beginner's course in programming for high school students.

I guess you have already seen this article: http://worrydream.com/LearnableProgramming/ , any plans on getting some features there implemented? Especially seeing state/flow over time would be immensely helpful for beginners. The state inspector panel is good enough for now though!

Another simpler thing that would be nice is to have some explanations when you hover on keywords/functions

I know Bret Victor's work very well - it's thoughtful, thought provoking and the sort of stuff that makes me go on long walks to think further (a good thing).

Regarding state/flow... that's partially handled by the visual debugger in Python3 mode (I explain this in a beginner friendly way here: https://codewith.mu/en/tutorials/1.0/debugger).

There could be lots of ways to do state/flow, but implementing a very simple debugger has the additional advantage of progression: it's a powerful tool coders will come to use with professional development environments as they grow in skill. I made the debugger very much with the Alan Kay quote referenced here (https://codewith.mu/en/about) in mind.

FWIW, I'm actually a classically trained musician (I trained at the Royal College of Music in London and played professionally for a number of years), and spent most of my 20s involved in music education. Music education has so much to teach computing education (although I concede I'm probably biased in this opinion) and I wanted to ape the "do the real thing, but at the right level" approach music educators (like my wife) do. She's a cellist and often runs workshops with kids as young as 5 who want to learn to play a string instrument. The first thing she does? She gives them a real string instrument (although it may be a 1/4 sized violin or cello - it's still a proper instrument) and lets them play (in both fun and musical sense of the word).

It turns out that if you want to be a musician, you have to learn to do things musicians do. Likewise, if you want to write software, it's probably a good idea to learn what software developers do.

Having said that, I like the innovation and shift of perspective from people like Bret Victor, so as always, it's a balancing act. We want people to learn about the rules, traditions and history of [music|coding] so they can become effective participants in the current world of [music|code] but then we also want them to innovate, experiment and push boundaries. This sense of breaking rules should definitely be part of education.

I hope this makes sense... :-)

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