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Fran's Writings on Design and Engineering (frantone.com)
72 points by mos_6502 on July 24, 2018 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

She has a great YouTube channel as well! I got turned onto her channel when Dave Jones of the EEVBlog and a group of other EE youtubers were passing around a circuit from one of the Apollo missions. https://youtu.be/J0ggqY7vnAw

Fran's videos are some of the most interesting out there, while managing to be very relaxing as well. Couldn't recommend them more.

She's like a much, much calmer version of Dave Jones. I'm glad I found this!

For all the Commodore 64 fans out there, she has a nice introductory video.


Just one more voice of support for her YouTube channel. Always informative without being overbearing.

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