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No love for Linux? Good luck finding devs that actually work instead of hanging around Starbucks boasting their leased £6000 Macs.

Don't most devs prefer writing code on Macs? I haven't met many developers who use linux as their main development machine, and it makes sense. If you are productive on Linux, you will most likely be immediately productive on a Mac.

I used to think the same before my work company issued us macs. The fact that you have to purchase and install third party software for things which are either inbuilt in modern Linux DEs or come as simple small plug ins is crazy.

The lack of a frecency based app launcher, fuzzy findable window switcher, auto hide and scrolling of menu bar items when an apps menu is too long are all things that can be done in a pinch on GNOME or on something like bspwm, i3 etc. but need me to shell out around ₹2000 to buy third party software on the Mac is appalling.

Finder is shit compared to Nautilus, their spaces implementation leaves a lot to be desired etc.

If you're spending 2000 <what currency?> for "scrolling of menu bar items when an apps menu is too long" you should maybe reconsider priorities. You could possibly feed a few families in <what currency?-country> with that.

Plus spotlight works well as a "frecency based app launcher".

Because if you don't use Linux you are automatically some lazy hipster?

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