Basically, due to the lack of customer service, Google cloud is not for serious busines, just casual side projects. Reading through this and the article about getting their servers cut off made my stomach lurch
All major cloud platforms have occasional unplanned downtime. AWS had an outage last year that took many sites offline for hours. A single instance of Google having such unplanned downtime is meaningless without more datapoints.
As for whether it's useful for serious business. Well. Proof by example? This has sixteen pages of case studies: That is by no means all of GCP's serious customers.
We have been using GCP for 6 years (and is one of the companies in the linked case studies) and I must say that their customer service is good.
I think I had over 30 touches with their support and key account managers regarding everything from billing, minor issues with services and just asking for advice regarding stuff. They have always delivered.
The expectation from us has been that we pay the $150/mon support package fee.