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PDF/A is an open standard, but it's pretty rare to see a PDF document in the wild that is actually PDF/A compliant. People generally just use the built-in PDF export in some word processor (usually no PDF/A option at all) or use Acrobat (doesn't do PDF/A by default). And non-PDF/A documents can have a laundry list of odd closed features that may or may not be supported by various readers.

In general the landscape of PDF compatibility has improved a lot, but it's still a lot worse than HTML.

>And non-PDF/A documents can have a laundry list of odd closed features that may or may not be supported by various readers.

Are there test suit for PDF/A compatibility?

Yes. http://verapdf.org/ At the Dutch publication office we use this for spot-check testing for PDF/A-1a compliance.

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