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> There are some quirks in the golang ecosystem which mean you end up analyzing your dependency tree way, way, more than you do in basically any other common language.

What are these?

This comment from an earlier discussion here covers some of them: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=17185335

Basically, dep/glide do a bunch of stuff, including recursively parsing import statements because of How Go Works (tm). Other package managers don't, because they have lock files, and central repositories. Go expects you to just be able to throw a ton of raw code into your GOPATH and have it all magically fetched from github, which is super cool, but also very hard to do quickly, and not really something other languages are clamouring to support.

(A lot of attention has been focused on vgo's solver, and it is much faster, but the solver isn't what takes up all the time; the speedup from dep/glide to vgo seems to be almost entirely related to the changes in how dependencies are declared. Saving 10ms on a more efficient solver algorithm means nothing if the overall process is spending 12s grinding through slow disc and network access.)

And when you survey the language ecosystem, you see a lot of languages very enthusiastically committed to traditional package managers (with lock files) and centralised repositories. Cargo, composer, npm/yarn, bundler/ruby gems - recent history is full of languages happily moving in that direction. Go is an exception, and I don't see anyone actively copying that quirk any time soon.

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