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> To me it looked like Apple would scrap OS 9 for BeOS, but after Steve Jobs came back it was forgotten.

Erm... Jobs came back because the BeOS deal didn't go through. That was the point: Apple could go on their own, with Be or with NeXTSTEP. NeXTSTEP was Jobs's company.

> Is it UNIX based?

No, though it has a POSIX compatibility layer (and therefore access to BSD CLI utils)

> Has it gone anywhere since?

Be, Inc was sold to Palm for a penny in 2001 and BeOS was killed. Fans are writing an OpenSource BeOS (with no IP-relations to the original one, but goals of being able to run BeOS binaries unmodified for instance) with Haiku: http://haiku-os.org/

So, now BeOS is owned by HP?

Technically yes, though actually BeOS is dead (unless you count Haiku).

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