While Kubernetes was most popular overall, the smallest companies (1-5 employees) use Docker Swarm more often (41 percent use Swarm vs. 31 percent that use Kubernetes).
Did not know Swarm was this popular. Even overall Swarm is 35% to K8s 42%
However, there is a huge proliferation of hosted K8s services - AWS, GCP, Azure, Digitalocean, tons of others.
Nobody seems to be making a hosted Docker Swarm solution though. I wonder why - is it because the market doesnt exist because of the simplicity of Swarm itself ? Would be interesting to find out.
I can't help but wonder if this is a reflection of Digital Ocean's target market, and its late adoption of block storage and other functionality. Kubernetes is a pretty "serious" tool, and you'd expect "serious" teams to have a preference for bigger, more-established players like AWS/GCE. Digital Ocean having been moving up the chain but at least in my mind they're still associated with the "hobby site" mindset. Certainly I run my hobby sites there!
I wonder if a similar survey from the bigger players would have different results.
Swarm is dead simple to get up and running; it's baked into Docker. Maybe k8s is easy too, but I've always run into issues and the value proposition for pushing past them was never clear to me. There's no doubt in my mind that there are very good reasons to use k8s, I just haven't found them (nor looked especially hard).
i think they are being very opaque about their plans and this is hurting their credibility.
They built the ability the launch k8s clusters through the docker tool. There are almost no tweets or posts about Swarm instead, their blog is full of kubernetes posts (https://blog.docker.com/). Even their coolhacks section is about "kubeflow". Top rated session at Dockercon was kubernetes.
i really hope they open up more and talk about their future plans and engage with the community.
this is what is scaring us. We love Swarm and really respect all the dev efforts... but the corporate K8s bias in unmistakable.
These are some of the kubernetes posts over the last 2 days from Docker's twitter account:
While Kubernetes was most popular overall, the smallest companies (1-5 employees) use Docker Swarm more often (41 percent use Swarm vs. 31 percent that use Kubernetes).
Did not know Swarm was this popular. Even overall Swarm is 35% to K8s 42%
However, there is a huge proliferation of hosted K8s services - AWS, GCP, Azure, Digitalocean, tons of others. Nobody seems to be making a hosted Docker Swarm solution though. I wonder why - is it because the market doesnt exist because of the simplicity of Swarm itself ? Would be interesting to find out.