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It's disheartening that so many bright people work on research that will undoubtedly be abused by authoritarian governments and make the world a worse place for everyone. Ask a thousand people what video analysis can be used for and I bet the vast majority will say surveillance, and most would probably struggle to think about something else.

I wish researchers would start to ask themselves if what they're building can be abused by authoritarian governments, and if so, switch focus to a field of research that will make the world a better, rather than a worse, place to live in.

History will not look kindly on researchers who built the tools that enabled Xi the Pooh to achieve a dystopian surveillance state.

History? You mean Google?

Google will glorify it’s history in it’s middle schools just like America glorifies it’s history in it’s middle schools.

Considering the researchers are hired according to their sheltered backgrounds, holding them as indivuals accountable is futile.

If you care, vote accordingly, for politicians willing to refuse corporate donations.

If you care a lot, study revolutionary history, learn from it and organize. I’m just paraphrasing the only thing that seems to ever actually work.

Google wasn't responsible for any of the major breakthroughs in AI. The current AI boom is driven by deep learning[1], due to Alex Krizhevsky [2][3], who was then a Ph.D. student @ University of Toronto. Subsequently, several significant breakthroughs have been in Universities & outside Google or FAANGs (Siri, DeepMind were all questions)

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deep_learning [2] https://beamandrew.github.io/deeplearning/2017/02/23/deep_le... [3] https://arxiv.org/abs/1803.01164

Google certainly played a major role, and it wasn't my intention to shelter companies/governments from blame. However, I certainly don't believe holding individuals accountable is futile. They need to consider if people can be suppressed, stripped of their rights, imprisoned, and murdered thanks to their research/code.

We should encourage developers to fight for privacy, and discourage them from engaging in research/writing code that can be used to commit evil acts.

And yes, I wholeheartedly agree that everyone should vote.

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