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You have to examine your own assumptions too -

1. You assume stopping "revolution" is the goal. It is not. All you have to do is look at what outcomes "revolutions" in an info saturated/low attention span/consumption culture based society have produced in the last 20 years.

2. In 2013 the Washington post did an estimate on how much was being spent on the surveillance society in the US. Everyone reacted in disbelief. Do you know by how much that budget has increased in the last 5 years? Are these people just brain-dead to be spending this kind of cash? Ofcourse not.

The US has made its share of mistakes over valuing freedom and squandering potential. China is overvaluing control and will make its share of mistakes too. We have to learn from both sets of mistakes to arrive at the right balance of where society should go in high noise info saturation environments. These are very new environment that society hasnt been in before and the right path ahead is not as obvious as people think.

Who watches the watchers? Government bureaucrats are human too, and why are they somehow superior to the rest of us in making decisions? If you have a bee-watcher, you must then have a bee-watcher-watcher, an so forth. If everyone makes their own decisions, we call that freedom, and it means we don't have some fallible bureaucrat deciding what is best for me (which I very much doubt they will do well).

> fallible bureaucrat deciding what is best for me

They aren't deciding what's best for you, they're deciding what's best for themselves.

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