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If your moral worldview doesn't equate those effected by abortion as valueless clumps of cells,

The moral scale of legalized abortion dwarfs that of modern wars


Between 1945 and 1992, there were 149 major wars, killing more than 23 million people.


Recent developments in warfare have significantly heightened the dangers for children. During the last decade, it is estimated (and these figures, while specific, are necessarily orders of magnitude) that child victims have included:

2 million killed; 4-5 million disabled; 12 million left homeless; more than 1 million orphaned or separated from their parents; some 10 million psychologically traumatized.4


There have been more than 45 million abortions just in the US since Roe v Wade


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I'm guessing that's not your moral world view, but for the sake of understanding the people you disagree with, you should realize that they view legalized abortion as one of the great humanitarian crises of our time, which easily outweighs most other issues that we squabble about. (And yeah, justifies teaming up with otherwise unsavory bedfellows)

Thank you for posting this. I'm pretty pro-choice for emotional reasons, but it's still extremely fascinating to me to learn the pro-life arguments (even if only to bolster my pro-choice views).

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