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Startups do change the world for the better! I think we can all agree both about iFartMobile apps and Wikipedia. I wonder what caused the rant, he seems to present an overly specific negative point of view.

What do you mean Wikipedia? I think that's one thing that really has changed the world for the better. It's completely free, surprisingly accurate (especially if you get away from controversial topics), and completely created by volunteers. It's a fantastic resource and more useful than a lot of startups.

Perhaps he assumed that we'd implicitly agree that fart apps are a bane and Wikipedia is a boon. However, without explicitly making his position plain, it could be a trap!

I did assume we'd agree on the usefulness of Wikipedia, yes :-)

I think it's an attempt to put things into perspective. If so many people are funneling their energy into writing/downloading apps, playing Farmville, joining/creating online social networks, and reading/commenting on blog posts, you have to wonder what we're allowing to let slide. The innovations he listed required a fair amount of thinking outside the box. In spite of its seemingly awesome comprehensiveness, it would be a shame if the Internet turned out to be a tiny little box, and the only time we think outside of it is to get up and go to the bathroom.

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