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I discovered data URIs in 2014, when trying to make an app that doesn't need to be distributed through an app store. They're fun.

Nihilogic made a 14KB Mario clone that can be fit into a data URI.


I also know about the way Cemetech's jsTified TI-83 emulator parses pictures to load a calculator ROM file (steganography).


I put those two together, and imagined a new form of app distribution, which I call "Fondant".

1. Click a data URI bookmarklet. That is a bootloader, with the parser code for a picture. It presents a button to upload a picture.

2. Select a picture from the camera roll, which is the app.

3. To save, generate a picture and save that to the camera roll.

This could be used to transfer other file types (e.g. a music player with a mixtape) over universally-supported photo sharing platforms.

Unfortunately, the iPhone recompresses JPGs when clicking Save to Camera Roll, and the lost quality means the photo isn't parseable the next time. I did some experiments, and turned a blue/green checkerboard pattern into grey after 50 repeated Saves.

I still think there's potential in the idea; if someone wants to work together on it then please get in touch. I'll also write up my experiments if you comment and ask for it.

The PICO-8 "fantasy console" is a playful old-school computer style emulator that passes it's programs through images. You might even look into it's algorithms [1]. I think it'd be perfect.

[1]: http://pico-8.wikia.com/wiki/P8PNGFileFormat

Also the Spore Creature Creator from 2008 could export and import your creatures as PNGs. It used the least-significant bit in each color channel.

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