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The desire is the same, whether it’s animated or not. That’s the issue - you still desire sexual power imbalances. It’s not about using the power, it’s about the desire.

Anyways, these are just my musings on the matter. I am not an expert or familiar with the subject at all. I just was curious as to why society still is disgusted by child porn even when the harm is removed

So that's what OP disagreed with. Some people might care about intention, but when you said

> It's not just the harm to children that people have problems with,

then "people" sounds like "most people". Now I don't know what most people feel like, but at least for me and OP, harm to children is what we have problems with. Desire for power, not so much.

(Obviously, just musings from my side as well. Disgust for child porn when harm is removed happens to be one of my pet peeves - I believe that it is easier for people not to act on their desires if they are able to discuss them with others without being rejected by society.)

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