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I don't really know what these red/blue tribes represent, but the way you describe "social justice-y folks" seems to coincide with the way Jordan Peterson and Sargon of Akkad criticise third-wave feminism for being marxist and controlling. Ironically marxists are traditionally identified by the color red.

Unfortunately, authoritarianism and the desire for thought control is never tied to one political ideology. It will always seem like an option to those in control.

I don't know if the Japanese softcore child porn wave seems to be a symptom of people being unable to find a safe middle, or if it's a late consequence of cultural globalism. Lacking an over-all perspectives in a foreign culture makes this kind of analysis hard.

Unfortunately, authoritarianism and the desire for thought control is never tied to one political ideology. It will always seem like an option to those in control.

Obviously the latter statement is true, everything will seem like an option, but the sentiment you're getting at here doesn't seem to be true.

The US Congress could have repealed the first amendment at any point since it was introduced. They never have. And the US, for all its problems, has significantly freer speech than most of the world. America is also a notoriously conservative sort of place.

Places with alternative political ideologies very rapidly encounter authoritarianism and thought control. See: China.

I have heard that many Chinese people think they have great freedom of speech...

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