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The police aren’t THAT dumb. They where likely given marching orders to provide plausible dinability and cease as much or hardware as possible with the belief that they can find something after the fact that justifies their actions in public oppinion.


You've re-written another comment so that it follows all standard rules for spelling. But to what end? Certainly not to make it intelligible, as the original comment was intelligible regardless of spelling errors.

If not to make it intelligible, then perhaps to engage in one-up-man-ship? But since feeding the ego tends to be a zero sum game, at what cost? Perhaps the original poster has one of a whole host of conditions which make it difficult to reproduce spellings as per a standard. Perhaps the original poster learned the language primarily through hearing, rather than reading. Who knows?

So what did your one-up-man-ship gain us, the community? Nothing of value (since good spelling is merely indicative of background, rather than capability), but perhaps something of harm, since you might have hurt an otherwise valuable contributor who may not have control over how they spell.

In short, your comment is a net detriment to the community.

Ironically, they didn't fix the only typo that made it hard to parse the original sentence: or → of

One steepo at a time. Much more easy to understand after the two corrections. Thanks to both.

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