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I found this article to be interesting, but framed in a very strange way. The author continuously promotes that there is a left-right "war", and while several of their examples seems to definitely imply a political spectrum split like that, most of the issues they're recounting come from a cultural divide. This basically boils down to English/Western vs Japanese/Eastern cultural differences, but with political opinions pulled into the mix. Their choice to not even define the two types of content is telling as well: by simply defining it, they know the Western audience of their article won't want anything to do with it.

It's an interesting story, but framed in a strange way with key details left out to fit the red-blue narrative, in my opinion. Some, I would assume more Eastern-oriented users, would argue that they are being censored for content that is perfectly acceptable in their culture. Others, primarily Western audiences, would argue that it isn't culturally acceptable here, and that this is what Mastodon was designed for, to choose who you wish to include in your Federation. I don't really know which side I agree with personally, both seem to have their merits, but it's an interesting situation, one of several I've heard whispers of from Mastodon.

I'm an outsider to the whole story, but I read the article as detailing two different clashes, the blue/red and the English/Japanese, though partly intertwined.

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