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> Another German court ruling decided that a personal blog containing any sort of advertising qualifies as "commercial use"

Erm, you say that like it's something we're supposed to disagree with?

Yeah, my point is that the law makes no distinction between something like google news that has news snippets as its main business, and something like a personal blog or forum that contains advertising or collects donations to cover server expenses. Both would be classified as "commercial use" in Germany and would fall under this law. This means that forum operators now have to police their users to make sure nobody posts a news snippet.

If you host your blog on a free host, where the host inserts ads to offset the cost of the free hosting - is that commercial use?

I'm not sure - the host would clearly be commercial use under German law - I don't know about the user. But for this law, it doesn't matter - it would become the host's responsibility to police the content of the user.

Yes, it's commercial use on the part of the host.

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