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> let's say it's fully sterilized and fully cooked so you have 100% guarantee of not getting sick from it.

I'm being a pedant here, and this isn't really relevant to the previous commenters point, but worth noting that one of the known dangers of cannibalism (CJD) is less related to typical sterilisation and not quite as well understood in general, so 100% guarantees are hard to come by.

Yep. It's more of a philosophical experiment than something that is backed by perfect hard science. The point remains that most people (at least outside of the tribes that practice it) would find it completely wrong even when given hypothetical perfect guarantees.

I get that it was not your point, but the problem with cannibalism is the transmission of prion proteins. Not really an infectious disease per se. See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kuru_(disease)

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