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> […] "Lolicon" is a Japanese word that's partly a loanword from "Lolita" in English; […]

Etymologically, it is a Japanese portmanteau derived from 'lolita complex', which is waseigo (Japanese words comprised of English words) meaning someone attracted to, or an attraction to, prepubescent girls (not boys, so it is not completely analogous to paedophile).

> So how does the author say that lolicon being acceptable is a mainstream view?

He seems to extrapolate from the acceptance of it in (large) online Japanese communities.

"not boys, so it is not completely analogous to paedophile"

What does this mean? Pedophilia is not somehow specific to males lusting after males. It's still completely analogous to pedophilia.

The term paedophile means an adult (of any gender) who is sexually attracted to prepubescent children of any gender. Lolicon (when applied to a person) means an adult (again, of any gender) who is sexually attracted specifically to prepubescent girls (not boys). Hence the terms are not equivalent.

A term used for the latter is shotacon, but it is not as common a word as the above.

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