Interesting, I'm glad to know that raw access to the Cache API is being added, when I contacted Cloudflare about this a number of months ago at the time they didn't support this. For my edge CDN needs I will reevaluate cloudflare workers soon.
On the first paragraph we have shifted some computationally heavy and horizontally restricted functions from our own servers to Lambda, this allows us to instantly scale to meet our non-consistent demand. With the lambda workers we are using we are averaging 5 to 11s of execution time with approximately 800mb of memory and utilize the cpu heavily. If Cloudflare workers ever expanded to allow for a similar scope I would definitely take a second look at it.
On the first paragraph we have shifted some computationally heavy and horizontally restricted functions from our own servers to Lambda, this allows us to instantly scale to meet our non-consistent demand. With the lambda workers we are using we are averaging 5 to 11s of execution time with approximately 800mb of memory and utilize the cpu heavily. If Cloudflare workers ever expanded to allow for a similar scope I would definitely take a second look at it.