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But they say that you don’t need to filter all content! Like if you know no one will ever upload copyrighted content there’s nothing to worry about.

And that not all content will be covered (although they appear to have accidentally forgotten to include that bit in what they published).

"if you know no one will ever upload copyrighted content"

How in the world could I know that as a website master? How am I supposed to know the range of actions for any future users.

Legally, perhaps it could be sufficient to include a check box saying "I certify that I am the copyright holder to everything I upload". Compare with the way EU handles the cookie law and GDPR consent click-yes.

I was being sarcastic (I thought the tone and content made that obvious :) )

You're joking here, but a politician in Poland, when asked about how shall a popular link sharing platform (wykop.pl) deal with submissions, of which there are 100k / hour in peak times, actually suggested that "users should know not to upload illegal materials".

Please don't use sarcasm on HN. It is low quality discourse that only causes confusion, and sarcasm doesn't have a detectable "tone" in text.

The last sentence threw me off (about certain content not being covered). If it was just your first paragraph, I would have thought it was sarcasm. And I was tired.

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