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Wiretapping - analog or digital - requires a judge's approval in this country. Sure, it can be abused. But do we in the IT world really want to be providing an untraceable means of communication for the next 9/11 bombers? Or, for that matter, white collar criminals, bank robbers, etc.?

The obvious answer is no, but it is the wrong question.

The question is: Are we willing to provide them untraceable, secure communications to them when that is the price to provide it to people yearning for free speech in totalitarian countries? And are we willing to provide it to them when not doing so means all of our communications have exploits that can and will be used by non-governmental agencies as well?

Yes, it's a fair point. I guess I would say it seems like this proposed law is about creating wiretappability in general services like Facebook, Skype, etc.

There's really no way to prevent people from sending privately-encrypted data over this network though. I think the government just wants the ability to catch the lazy criminals who don't avail themselves of that kind of thing.

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