The lack of self-instropection & hubris in some framework's devotees is astonishing. If someone is attempting to solve a problem, and their approach is not well-suited to the framework, perhaps it is the framework's fault? Perhaps suggest an alternative tool rather than telling the person they haven't come up with the 'best' approach (which is the version that the framework is well-suited to solve)?
I feel that a lot of the time this defensive "you don't understand the problem" conversations are from devs who have invested a lot of time in the framework & have internalised their expertise into their sense of self-worth, such that 1.) they don't have much experience with other frameworks/approaches which may be better suited to the questioner's problem; 2.) admitting to a failure or gap in the framework becomes equivalent to admitting to a personal failure.
I wish we had less ego in programming, and more decisive, clear declarations of intent and limitations in frameworks.
Not really. What I'm claiming is that in the same way that 99% of claims of people who say they've found a compiler bug have not found one and instead just hit some undefined behavior or language corner case, 99% of people who find something unusual in well-worn web programming frameworks are usually not trying to solve problems the right way.
Synchronous web development in dynamic programming languages is, for all intents and purposes, a solved problem. The conceptual differences between Django, Rails, Laravel and so on are minuscule; there's a bounded number of ways to get a web request and spit out HTML.
It is an extremely well understood problem domain where escape hatches to go against idiomatic framework conventions have been built at all levels and are actually used judiciously by people who have an understanding of the tool's shortcomings.
And in the same spirit, I can say quite confidently that people that are trying to reinvent the wheel here have a non-zero, but minimal, chance of actually hitting a significant roadblock.
The lack of self-instropection & hubris in some framework's devotees is astonishing. If someone is attempting to solve a problem, and their approach is not well-suited to the framework, perhaps it is the framework's fault? Perhaps suggest an alternative tool rather than telling the person they haven't come up with the 'best' approach (which is the version that the framework is well-suited to solve)?
I feel that a lot of the time this defensive "you don't understand the problem" conversations are from devs who have invested a lot of time in the framework & have internalised their expertise into their sense of self-worth, such that 1.) they don't have much experience with other frameworks/approaches which may be better suited to the questioner's problem; 2.) admitting to a failure or gap in the framework becomes equivalent to admitting to a personal failure.
I wish we had less ego in programming, and more decisive, clear declarations of intent and limitations in frameworks.