Obligatory link to why "considered harmful" essays might be harmful[0].
I'm not a docker "fan". I've seen one too many "hello-world" projects wrapped in docker and had to waste 30+ minutes and 2GB HDD space to do something that should have been a script.
That said, any essay that criticises docker without acknowledging the huge benefit of a layer between a full VM (more overhead, more space, more time) and dealing with platform specific issues (oh, if you're using version 3.5 of X and 4.2 of Y then you need to roll back the latest update of Z and sacrifice a goat to the Linux gods), is missing something.
I love the plain HTML and that I could read this in the train on a very spotty mobile connection.
I'm not a docker "fan". I've seen one too many "hello-world" projects wrapped in docker and had to waste 30+ minutes and 2GB HDD space to do something that should have been a script.
That said, any essay that criticises docker without acknowledging the huge benefit of a layer between a full VM (more overhead, more space, more time) and dealing with platform specific issues (oh, if you're using version 3.5 of X and 4.2 of Y then you need to roll back the latest update of Z and sacrifice a goat to the Linux gods), is missing something.
I love the plain HTML and that I could read this in the train on a very spotty mobile connection.
[0] https://meyerweb.com/eric/comment/chech.html