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"________ is not very complex and uses pretty much only textbook data structures and algorithms" is pretty much a false statement for any engineered product.

And the difference is usually close to nil for understanding them. (Also see squirrelicus' comment). Whether my database uses a B-tree or a proprietary, patented, insanely complex and finely tuned data structure that does essentially the same thing as a B-tree just a little bit faster is, for all intents and purposes, not a relevant distinction.

Now it's true that most databases have a ton of features and even more optional features that can (and will) interact in interesting ways, but I thought it was fairly obvious that most applications use very few or none of these. They are the 90/10-sort of features; 10 % of a database vendor's customers need 90 % of the specialized features in a database, and every single one of them uses a different handful.

Obviously you don't need to understand all these specialized features to use a database; you only need to grasp the handful if any at all you actually need at a time. Applications striving for wide database compatibility tend to rarely use any of these, simply because they don't exist in all databases, or work differently, or have divergent interfaces.

So any time you have an application that runs on MySQL or postgres in production but is developed and tested on SQLite (an antipattern itself, but I digress), you can be assured that you'll only see fairly basic DDL and SQL.

(You also seem to be intermingling understanding and building. I can use and understand how a typewriter works without having a clue how to build one. Yes, there are lots of hard problems solved by databases, but how they do it is mostly a don't care. I don't have to care how SQLite does power-fail-safe transaction, it does and what that means for me, is all I have to know as a user.)

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