Said yuppie would have spent that $700 on a brand-new hand-made saddle ('with ecological naturally cured Yak leather from the Himalayas') for his fixie bike which would have provided the proverbial drop which made the Yak-saddle-startup succeed in its venture, starting a business which would have lasted for many generations and which would have created a market for Yak leather which would have improved the lot of Yak farmers in the Himalayas who would have realised the way they're treated by their overlords from China was not up to snuff, starting a popular revolution which would eventually gain support from the Chinese population who would pressure their own overlords for more democracy, ending up with the democratisation of both China as well as its former vassal states.
But no, this will not come to pass because of Apple's cruddy keyboards.
I personally prefer Yacky, the Yak-saddle-cleaner-service which tracks the microflora on your saddle and keeps it in check using locally sourced nettle water, this being much better for the environment. As far as I know Yakster just swaps saddles between bikes anyway so it is a bit of a sham, really.
But no, this will not come to pass because of Apple's cruddy keyboards.
That cost of society is what was meant.