" but people can always choose (i.e. get woke) to intentionally conform or to defy norm"
You can play some little games but you won't be able to choose to not get rejected by different services based on that data. Just look at what happens to people on no-fly lists or who deal with identity theft. Easy to get onto and hard to get off. The more data these entities have and the more they can hide behind algorithms the more they can make your life miserable and you will have no idea where your problems are coming from.
> The more data these entities have and the more they can hide behind algorithms the more they can make your life miserable and you will have no idea where your problems are coming from.
I'm sure I sound overconfident but honestly, been there, done that. Having been suicidal for approximately half my life has transitioned into meaning, have no attachment to anything. Appreciate what exists while it's there, but don't be attached to it, don't depend on it for survival. Goods, services, liberties, freedom of expression, places, people.
Life has been miserable enough for me while potentially having everything I could potentially get rejected from. If someone wants to make my life miserable, I pity them.
Edit: I would not categorize identity theft under the same label as being put on a no-fly list. Identity theft can indirectly lead to being put on a no-fly list. Being put on a no-fly list should not lead to identity theft (assuming the entities that hold this information are as secure as they present themselves to be, given their stated purpose for their existence).
From a data analysis perspective, that's a correlation to construct that could actually help people deal with the issues of too much data correlation being used to form expectations of behavior (like getting on and off lists that prevent essential liberties and rights from being exercised fairly).
You can play some little games but you won't be able to choose to not get rejected by different services based on that data. Just look at what happens to people on no-fly lists or who deal with identity theft. Easy to get onto and hard to get off. The more data these entities have and the more they can hide behind algorithms the more they can make your life miserable and you will have no idea where your problems are coming from.