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If too many people leave, it would be a sign that the tax system truly is unfair to these people, and in fact this is a regular part of the discourse on tax levels in most countries.

My point is that most places have a tax system that is the way it is exactly because it strikes a balance where most people are still willing to live there when they earn a lot without evading taxes.

That some decide they don't want to leave, but don't want to pay their taxes either, then does not get much sympathy from me.

> I can clearly see how the lack of fairness can be taken, but implementing your suggestion would be much worse.

My only "suggestion" is to actually enforce the law and expect people to pay the tax that they are legally required to pay, and if someone don't want to pay the tax rate they're actually obliged to pay, then they should leave.

If that causes too many people to leave, then there's a debate to be had about tax levels. But what is truly unfair is to have some people pay their full tax bills while others evade them.

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