I agree that "get help" alone can be counterproductive. "I'm not trained in dealing with these sorts of issues, you should get professional help." is better. Better yet (IMO) is my standard reply: "I've been there. I hung myself, and barely survived. The recovery was awful. Don't try, even the most certain methods can fail and lead to enormous suffering. You should try to get professional help, because they're trained at it, but if you ever need to talk feel free to [PM/email/text/call] me. [My phone number/email is...]. {for the phone number people (IRL)} I don't care if it's 3 AM or something, I'll wake up and do whatever I can to help."
I don't want anyone to have to go through what I've been through. For anyone reading this, my email is in my profile. Feel free to contact me if you need to talk, I'll do what I can.
I don't want anyone to have to go through what I've been through. For anyone reading this, my email is in my profile. Feel free to contact me if you need to talk, I'll do what I can.