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Language Construction Kit (zompist.com)
68 points by mgunes on Sept 28, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

I read the book just about as soon as it came out. It's really a great read, even if you aren't interested in creating a language. The author's understanding of linguistics is just amazing. I don't think you could possibly read the book and not learn something.

Is the book a lot better than the website? Could you give us a taste of the additional content?

I haven't browsed the website in a very long time, so I'm afraid I really can't. I heard about the book from somewhere (probably HN), remembered how awesome the site was when I browsed it years ago, ordered it, and devoured it. Didn't really bother re-checking the website since I was getting the book. Sorry I can't be more help.

I came across this page (and Zompist's website) about five years ago. It has quite literally changed my life - it introduced me to a hobby where intellectual games are pursued for their own sake, and a community of people who discussed ideas rather than what was on tv last night. Another great resource is the zompist bulletin board, at http://www.spinnoff.com/zbb/ - it's where the community is.

Although I've since moved on to programming and engineering, I owe a big debt to zompist. So long, and thanks for all the ideas!

For clarification: This is for human/fantasy languages, not programming languages. :-)

Of course, that has not stopped Larry Wall ;)

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