As a service that runs on Heroku I'd pay around $25/month. that'd be $25/month * 2 (stage+prod). At the bootstrapping stage i'm at now, that's what I'd pay. If I were profitable, I'd pay up to $500 - $1000 a month and happily so, figure out market segmentation so that I'd be forced to pay that much. I would probably run around 1000 jobs a month, which seems like a number that would put me in a higher pricing range. This service would be super useful for around 60 jobs a month even. Output from the jobs would be tiny, maybe 10k at most. I would be happy if output was saved on private S3 buckets.
I guess the big point is, I'm looking to use this for regularly scheduled jobs, not just as a queuing service to spread load.
My email is in my profile if you want to get in touch.