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I don't think that's true. If you have revenue from thousands of purchases, and lots of revenue, you have an avenue to reduce costs as your pipeline matures. It's not the only number you should care about, but it's hardly a who-cares item.

I respectfully disagree. Without context, revenue by itself is less than 'who cares', it can be something of a damaging number in the sense that it can lead financially illiterate people astray.

Lots of financially literate people exaggerate the significance of revenue numbers. It's a close cousin to EBITDA, often just a way to avoid admitting you aren't making money.

I don't see how you can solve the 'financially illiterate people [will be led] astray' with some other metric. Profit is similarly useless without context (e.g. Is this reoccurring, or one-time?). Giving all the metrics you might care to can still lead financially illiterate people astray.

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