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Depends on how you define "much lower", especially with a major trading partner such as the EU:

U.S. exports to the European Union enjoy an average tariff of just three percent.

Source: https://www.export.gov/article?id=European-union-Import-Tari...

In 2016, according to the World Bank, the average applied U.S. tariff across all products was 1.61%; that was about the same as the average rate of 1.6% for the 28-nation EU

Source: http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2018/03/22/u-s-tariffs-...

US to EU average import tariffs differ only by ~1.4%, sure the US tariff is (slightly) lower but it's hardly a huge imbalance.

Edit: just picking up from morsch's comment, these are international trade tariff figures which is what Trump is imposing. What countries do internally when it comes to sales or Value Added Tax is a whole different thing; these types of taxes apply to all goods and services sold within that country, regardless of origin (i.e. regardless of whether a pencil is manufactured in the UK or the US, it will still attract a domestic sales/VAT of 17.5% if sold in the UK).

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