Hiya, matchfounders.com is my baby. It is my pitch from launch48 (launch48.com)
I'll start by saying I completely agree with you... but add that I pitched this idea only three days ago... we built it over this weekend ;)
So when we say "MVP" here... we really have only just started.
That being said - love your ideas for fields to add to the db. As should be fairly obvious, we just grabbed a small handful of random fields just for show... now it's time to start thinking about stuff that would actually be useful.
Oh, and the idea I pitched was exactly "eHarmony for founders"... that's our goal. :)
I'll start by saying I completely agree with you... but add that I pitched this idea only three days ago... we built it over this weekend ;)
So when we say "MVP" here... we really have only just started.
That being said - love your ideas for fields to add to the db. As should be fairly obvious, we just grabbed a small handful of random fields just for show... now it's time to start thinking about stuff that would actually be useful.
Oh, and the idea I pitched was exactly "eHarmony for founders"... that's our goal. :)