Catenate is a valid word, and synonymous with concatenate. Plus, "cat" makes a better 3 letter unix program name than "con", right?
Googling the difference (hint: none) I found this lovely ditty:
I never concatenate strings; I just catenate those little things. Of syllables few, I'm a man through and through. Shorter words? My heart joyfully sings!
David Gries
cat - catenate and print
Catenate is a valid word, and synonymous with concatenate. Plus, "cat" makes a better 3 letter unix program name than "con", right?
Googling the difference (hint: none) I found this lovely ditty:
I never concatenate strings; I just catenate those little things. Of syllables few, I'm a man through and through. Shorter words? My heart joyfully sings!
David Gries