Hey there. I'm the developer who made the POC. My original idea came after watching non-technical people try to make changes to the readme. They would have to ask for a lot of help to get the terminal open or use a GUI. When really all they wanted to do was make a quick change.
The idea is that there's a lot of different users using git and I want to make it accessible for everyone.
I was able to use Web IDE to edit a couple files including a `.gitlab-ci.yml` and kick off a continuous integration job from my iPad 6th Gen. I hit a snag with the Merge Request, but the commit worked okay. For now it would be a little cumbersome to rely on as a primary development workflow, but it's fun as a proof of concept.
Why do you want non-technical people to be able to edit the readme? That's for programmers to communicate to programmers. A little knowledge is dangerous. Keep non-technicals away from git.
The idea is that there's a lot of different users using git and I want to make it accessible for everyone.