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I'll gladly take your word for this. My company was contracted to do the stuff I described, but the decision came from the customer's IT staff. Maybe it was political to milk more budget for the project.

The point I wanted to raise is that excel, DBIII+/Clipper, VB, Access and other "low code" solutions are fine as long they help a single individual (or, at best, a small team like 2-3 people max) to be more efficient.

The moment that they need to scale, they become a liability, like... having to add .csv import to your application because the users do all their planning/what-if scenarios on some excel sheet prepared by someone who already have left the company and then they prefer to upload the results (bypassing any of your carefully designed server-side business logic) instead of retyping each value manually.

>> The moment that they need to scale, they become a liability, like...

Yeah, but this is true of just about any home-grown solution, whether they are "low code" or not. There are surely a lot of VB and PHP ("high code"?) applications that were quickly thrown together to solve what was at the beginning a small problem.

The reason they're not best practices is usually because there's no IT support or money to build it, so someone (often self-learned) finds a way to build it themselves. You can complain about having to rewrite it once it became a mission-critical app, but more often than not, that app would have never been written by a seasoned developer because the original user(s) of the tool couldn't justify the resources to build it at the time.

Yet Excel is probably one of the best "UIs" you could support for data entry in the workplace.

Damn easy to create new forms, actually not that bad to implement import if the forms aren't brain damaged, it probably beats whatever you make in terms of UX for data entry not to mention ability to massage data locally.

The problem is, IMO, the lack of middle ground. A lot of those solutions are old, and integration of more modern functionality is lagging - it's there, but it's not well integrated because the concept of multi-user system with access controls wasn't a concern when the system was originally made!

Agreed on the middle ground.

Specifically, I would really be happy if people that launch themselves into this kind of little projects could (maybe with help from IT) decide "ok, we have reached a point of complexity where this stuff has really to be integrated back in the main system".

(And budget appropriately for this to happen).

A problem is that before you have a webapp at the level of Excel without any customization, we're talking developer years of effort. Webapp frameworks are for trivial frontends, they make the equivalent of slide handouts.

(so "budget appropriately" means developer years for simple apps with equivalent functionality to basic excel sheets. It is not reasonable to expect this to happen)

In 2009 or so everybody decided that webapps don't even need a data table component at all, and I have yet to find such a component that has the features of Delphi 1.0's datagrid (sorting by row, dynamic rows, built in search, accessible, ...)

GWT is the only thing that even came close, even made an attempt (and tolerable means, the third iteration - cell tables). It's the only thing that I ever found tolerable for developing business web apps.

This means that anything built after that point that has a web UI has subpar data presentation to a windows 3.1 app. And it shows. Handling nontrivial amounts of data in a webapp ... well compare Google Sheets with Excel, and it's obvious even there. Sadly Google Sheets probably has hundreds of developer-years in it at least, maybe thousands, and that's what it requires to get a webapp to that point.

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