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I tried to google harder, but it doesn't provide any other results. Keto is bad for you, this is what I got. Well, any extreme dieting is bad for you.

What is extreme about it?

I'm never hungry, I never feel bloated, and I don't have any digestive issues.

I suggest you do some research yourself and perhaps even experiment, before you regurgitate things out of the first result that comes up on Google after you enter an already biased query.

I trust google and I have much more exciting things to do than following questionable dieting restrictions. Life is too short, you know :)

Given all of your replies in this thread, I assume quasi-trolling on HN is an exciting thing for you to do.

Life is indeed short. My diet, which I wouldn't consider at all restrictive as I can eat as much as I want, allows me to live it to its full potential.

How do you know what's the full potential is?

You're right. I don't know if there's anything further than what I currently perceive, but this is definitely orders of magnitude better than before I started.

And that's pretty much the only thing that has changed (other habits haven't changed, such as meditation and weight-lifting).

Okay, the last one - quasi-trolling on HN IS the exciting things to do :-)

It must be frustrating when you run into threads like this, though.

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